Monday, February 05, 2007

Google Search Engine - Not a bot anymore

Google is successful from time and again to give its search engines all the requirements which can turn it live.Google search engine is not a bot anymore.It has gone too far from naming it as an 'engine' or 'robot'.It behaves just like a human being.If you are thinking why? and how? , Take a look at these self explanatory points -

  • Ignoring Meta tags - Google search now ignores meta tags completely because of their over-usage by webmasters.
  • Checking Keyword density in the page - Google search engine ignores pages in which keywords have been packed densely (just to attract the search engine).This is to stop the growing number of 'keyword spammers' who want to attract Google search engine with the large quantity of keywords in their pages.
  • Checking English and grammar - Google prefers to index pages which have well formed sentences with good grammar to ill organised pages.
  • Ignoring Duplicates - Duplicate site content is not only ignored but infact given a negative ranking (just like link spam) by the search engine.Duplicate content may be a content which is repeatedly posted in the same site or content posted in a site from another site.
  • Checking Link spam - Google has made its search engine immune to link spammers.Link farms which contain a bulk of link lists are just ignored by Google.Google looks at the exact location where the link is placed and the content preceding and following the link.
  • Search History - Google has recently made 'personalised search' as default.This enables Google to maintain your search history and record your web activities.On one hand Google wants to provide its users better and user friendly search results and on the other hand,it can trace your search history and start ignoring your tricks and tactics to optimise your site to Google search.

An article by John Fowler from -

If I write half a page
and you write thirty four
I can use three keywords
whilst you get forty more
I can be brief and concise
and speedily spit pages out
but your one and only masterpiece
Carries far more clout,
I am but a comic strip
to your Tolstoyan drama
I am all wild excitement
whilst you are perfect karma,
I have few words to play with
to juggle in a subtle key
whilst you have an epic
to aid keyword density
the old bull takes his time
never rushing, always serene
he has created multiple options
whilst young bull was over keen,
so when you code your pages
don't undersell your wording
or you'll be virtually alone
when you should be herding,
ten keywords in a thousand
dilutes the trend to oversell
and makes the reader relax
from the instinct he can tell
that a little page is but a ploy
to put him onto a sales hook,
whereas an interesting article
is worth a second look.

Click - Google's recommendations about SEO.It is clear that Google wants to Index 'clean' and 'fair' sites and that it would not tolerate spammers manupilating the search engine for better ranks.So SEO is becoming a hard task day by day.While Social media optimization is as free and simple as it has always been.

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