Monday, October 06, 2008

3D Search

ExitReality is a cool site where you can search the web in 3 dimensions. It also provides 3D chat, avtars, social networks and 3D virtual worlds etc. You have to download the ExitReality client and install it on your computer. The drawback is, its quite slow. It was ok on a 512 MB RAM and worked well on 1GB RAM. But its free and its fun. Try it at ExitReality

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Careeb Blog started

Careeb has started its Official Blog on 26th september, 2008. It gives detailed explanation of how Careeb is different from other social networking sites. The Blog is named 'Push The Envelope. It gives a brief introduction to the 4 membered team f Careeb, its aims and objectives. "Every morning we come to work to realize a dream - to build something remarkable." says Mr.Naveed, the founder of Careeb. You can see the press release of Careeb at indiaprwire.

Careeb team: These are 4 simple looking guys with a dream, determination but they are experts in their respective fields. Cheers to this budding networking revolution.

You can know more about Careeb at its official blog directly. The blog is enjoyable to go through because of the col colors and self explanatory charts.

If you want to get an account at Careeb, I can help you. Mail me your email address here and I will send you the invitation to Careeb. You can not get into Careeb directly unless someone sends an invitation from within. This is to ensure genuine network of friends.

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